News and Events

Annual Funding Application for SFY26 is now open!

The AFA form can be completed online here.

You will also need to fill out a budget sheet. That template can be found here.

Please note: If you contracted with MHRB last year, you will receive an individualized budget sheet in an email.

MHRB is looking for qualified applicants for the Director of Finance Position

More information in the document here. All resumes should be sent to

Weekly parenting network group and classes are about to start up in Springfield. See more details in the flyer below.

Find the right provider that’s close to you.

Meet Mental Health Recovery Board.

Tools and resources for community and business.

Calendar of events and training opportunities.

Important information and updates.

Contact information if you need more information.

Find a care provider.

We provide pathways to mental health and addiction services for everybody and every family in our three-county area. MHRB connects those who need it to treatment, while also creating prevention-prepared and recovery-oriented communities that are resilient, supportive, and trauma-informed.